Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Fandom Word - Allpurposenacht!

I was playing Mutants & Masterminds, and a magical ritual was in the offing and the party was unsure about the time. My character, the Magnificent Mountain Lion said, "Oh, they always have those ceremonies at midnight on Walpurgisnacht." And one of the other players said, "Allpurposenacht?"

So Allpurposenacht has entered our lexicon! It is the plot convenient magical ceremony day - you know, the new moon, "when the stars are right", at the alignment of the Houses of Mercury and Aquarius or whatever - that is immediately to happen in order for the action of the plot to be driven!

It's a neat word. And you should use it as much as possible.


Chi said...

You have an RPG wiki! That's so cool. I've never seen that before :)


Unknown said...

Chi, LOL. It's more a geekery blog. To spread my geekery through the universe. ;)