Saturday, August 23, 2008

Driving in California - those damn road signs!

Driving in California can be frustrating. The signs here sorta, well, suck ass. I mean, I've gotten fairly seriously lost in rural California twice in two years on long distance trips. In most states, when highways split there are these big ass signs that tell you what to do. I've driven all over the country, and I've never gotten lost like I have in California. What'll happen is I'll be driving down a highway and then, without me noticing it, I'll be on a different road! And then, y'know, I'll look at a map and say, "Ah, I take this road it'll lead over to the road I want to be on."

That doesn't happen. What happens is I find myself in rural California on roads that have no signs, no indications of direction, no markers for what community you're going to - nothing like that. Just this rural winding of roads almost entirely without any markings whatsoever. I will sometimes find myself totally without a single idea where I'm at or what direction I'm going in. Sometimes, roads will literally just end without warning, or turn into dirt paths.

It's pretty frustrating, and it's never happened to me in any other state!

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